Offres d’emploi

Informations sur la société

ShARE is an innovative start-up at the crossroad of education and consulting, and which offers a leadership programme to university students to supplement their academic curriculum and offers to corporates a new way to do consulting, build innovative business ecosystems and access top talented individuals.


Today, bright students from top universities have to choose between a “do well” career (i.e. the corporate world) and a “do good” career (i.e. the NGO world). We believe that this dual framework is not effective anymore and a new generation of leaders is needed to face the 21st century’s most pressing challenges. That’s why ShARE exists- to create a new generation of leaders who will do well for themselves and do good for the world.

To achieve this, ShARE offers a leadership programme to 650 students from more 30 top universities and 15 countries with a strong presence in emerging markets. It is spread over 2 years and requires about 10 hours per week for the students. The programme has 4 pillars – acquisition of corporate skills, openness to the world, exposure to the society and leadership. The pedagogy follows 3 principles: learning together, learning by teaching and learning by doing. The programme is administered by a Learning Management System (LMS) which enables to track performance and learning progress of each student.

We are launching an exciting initiative in Togo in collaboration with the government of Togo to offer a customized ShARE program to 20 Togolese students every year. As part of this, we are hiring a Program Manager in Togo, an operation officer and a consulting analyst.

You will find more about ShARE on

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• Faire des hommes, la composante essentielle de la création de la valeur ajoutée et de la richesse au sein des entreprises.
• Faire des hommes, le levier essentiel de la création de la valeur ajoutée et de la richesse au sein de l’entreprise.

, Consult Services Synergie